Intercultural Education and Media Literacy are interesting topics for young people.
Why don't use them together??? - This is exactly what have been done throughout IntercultuReality!
During the Training Course, participants also had chance to share tools and non-formal methods on activities connected to intercultural education, mechanisms which lead to prejudices and stereotypes. Also, they have been trained to use media education to raise awareness on human rights and tollerance.
Here we would like to share a REPORT made with the contribution of participants which gathers activities and tools for whoever would like to tackle the topic and doesn't know where to start from, and also, for who'd like to be inspired for new activites using Non-Formal Education.
You can check and download the toolkit here IntercultuReality - Tools, Methods and Tips for tolerance and media literacy
Thanks to contribution of participants a video which shows some moments and interviews was created during the project. You can have a look at FINAL VIDEO INTERCULTUREALITY
This is one of the results of the project IntercultuReality. After sharing ideas, tools and non-formal methods on how to treat intercultural education and promote tolerance among young people, participants created a series of posters for promoting Human Rights. They selected some articles from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and made up 12 posters to be promoted each month in connection with International days or day of memory. Posters have been made in English and after translated into local languages to be shared at local level as well.
Here below you can find all the posters.
To read all the Declaration click on Universal Declararion of Human Rights
Versione italiana Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti Umani
Poster in lingua italiana

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